Senti Logistics

Dashboard Prototype & Website

A prototype built in a Design Sprint to validate business assumptions for a US-based startup.


Senti is a startup working on sensor technology to improve safety and operational efficiency in warehouses by sensing the exact locations and movements of employees and dangerous machinery.


How can we provide the warehouse manager with an overview of important data to ensure safety and efficiency in the workplace?


I was brought in on day 3.5 of a 5-day Design Sprint to turn the verbal discussion of a 'dashboard thingy' into a functional prototype that we could test on day 5. As the sole designer, in under 24 hours, I made a high fidelity dashboard and landing page for user testing.


The prototype was tested with 6 warehouse managers and led to valuable insights on which features to build and which to develop further. After a very successful Design Sprint, I was hired for a further two days to develop a dark mode version and mobile app.


A grouping of the 6 most important data points for a warehouse manager.
Dark Mode
Mobile Dashboard for managers on-the-go


For the prototype, this landing page was presented to warehouse managers to understand if the features would be desirable enough to begin a demo.